2 Piriformis Stretching Exercises for Back and Sciatica Relief
These stretches help relieve a tight piriformis muscle and strengthen it to help relieve low back pain and sciatica pain
Want to work on your flexibility? No problem!
Chiropractic care, an anti-inflammatory diet and proper sleep all contribute to better muscle health. But if you want to get started on increasing your flexibility right now, it’s time to get moving. Here are some simple daily stretches (that you can do at home!) to get you started.
(Remember—these stretches should create a bit of tension, but shouldn’t hurt!)
Works your back, neck, glutes and hamstrings.
Works your hips, inner thigh and obliques.
Works the neck, specifically trap muscles.
Always consult with your doctor before beginning a new exercise regimen, especially if you have a serious medical condition, physical limitations or experience chronic pain.
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